Selective Pallet Racking – Storage with Flexibility | Kompress India Pvt Ltd

Selective Pallet Racking – Storage with Flexibility

Selective Pallet Racking – Storage with Flexibility - Kompress India

We live in a world where the customer is king, and is spoilt for choices. Manufacturers look for ways to adapt their products to customers’ demands. It’s also a world driven by ad and marketing gurus that influence buying decisions. In addition there are products with seasonal demand. With changing demands come changing items, packed in boxes that differ in shape, size and load. Warehouses being the spaces that hold in bulk the varying demands of customers, it is important that they are adaptable to accommodate the changing storage needs. In such a world, non-flexible storage solutions can result in a lot of space being wasted. With the sky-rocketing price of land, this avoidable drain on limited resources finds a solution in Selective Pallet Racking.

Let’s delve a little deeper to understand how this adaptable storage system accommodates varying storage needs.

Selective Pallet Racking is a flexible Industrial Racking System in which the beam levels are designed for effortless height adjustment, which makes the warehouse easily adaptable to varying storage loads and pallet sizes. These heavy duty pallet racks also economise on floor space as they consist of vertically expanding high rise racks. Thus Selective Pallet Racking Systems can greatly resolve storage woes when warehouses require both fixed and variable storage. They are therefore ideally suited for warehouses that need to store a wide spectrum of fast-moving items that differ in packaging loads and sizes.

Selective Pallet Racking is the most conventional and versatile Pallet Racking System for a variety of reasons:

  • 1. Selectivity ensures easy accessibility to every pallet.
  • 2. Effortless beam adjustment permits pallet heights to be adjusted to varying needs.
  • 3. Compatibility with a variety of Material Handling Equipment (MHE) like forklifts, stackers and reach trucks, eliminates cost of additional MHE.
  • 4. Adaptable design augments economic and easy configuration, modification and extension to suit individual needs.
  • 5. High flexibility offers storage that suits the shape and size of palletised packages, thus promoting better space utilisation.
  • 6. Easy accessibility to products stored enables high stock rotation.
  • 7. Wide range of accessories and safety equipment accommodate any unit load type.
  • 8. Vertical storage facility lowers per pallet investment cost, and economises on expensive floor space.

Features of Pallet Racking

  • 1. Ensures individual access to all pallets
  • 2. Variable width and height
  • 3. High location usage storage system
  • 4. Compatible with different MHEs
  • 5. Adaptable and scalable
  • 6. Simplifies inventory management
  • 7. Enhances productivity

Advantages of Pallet Racking

  • 1. Maximises Warehouse Space Utilisation and Productivity
  • Pallet Racking allows rack height and width adjustment to suit varying storage needs. It also facilitates vertically expanding storage that saves on ground space. Thus Pallet Racking augments efficient space utilisation, improving warehouse productivity.
  • 2. Versatility
  • Selective Pallet Racking makes possible storage of varying load and sizes, and is adaptable to storage needs of wide-range, fast moving items, or even those which may change seasonally. It is also compatible with a variety of MHEs, making it a versatile storage system on multiple fronts.

  • 3. Accessibility
  • Selective Pallet Racking has the advantage of easy access to any load stored in any of the pallets. The aisles too are designed for easy, simultaneous movement of multiple MHEs. The ease in access improves productivity of warehouse staff.
  • 4. Cost-efficiency
  • Pallet Racking is economical in terms of storage system cost and installation, and yet it does not compromise on efficient space utilisation and accessibility. Furthermore, being compatible with all kinds of MHEs, any additional investment in specialised MHEs is eliminated, thus making it an overall cost-efficient storage option.
  • 5.Flexible and Customisable
  • Pallet Racking is designed to be flexible and can therefore be customised to the needs of individual factories and warehouses. It also provides long term flexibility to help growing organisations expand their warehouses vertically when needed.
  • 6. Facilitates Efficient Inventory Management
  • Easy accessibility to any item stored in the pallet racks, helps implement the FIFO (First-In, First-Out) inventory handling system, thus improving inventory management.

Pallet Racking Applications

Pallet Racking is ideal for warehouses that need to provide flexible storage for wide-ranging, fast-moving products, which need quick and easy access; as well as for warehouses with changing seasonal product loads. It also provides safe storage for heavy duty products. Pallet Racking is well suited for warehouses with good height and limited floor space; and also for warehouses with growing future needs.

At Kompress we always go that extra mile to provide ergonomic solutions, and therefore our Pallet Racking Systems are designed to ensure that not just our pallet rack heights and widths are adjustable; but also that the working aisles are well-suited for consistent unrestricted and convenient access. Our rack heights can be customised to suit the client’s MHE features, pallet sizes, and warehouse height.

Kompress Pallet Racking Systems thus become cost-effective, flexible, adaptable, and permit direct access to all pallets through stackers, forklifts, VNA equipment and reach trucks. This means that you do not need to invest in any specialised MHE, since your normal MHEs are sufficient for quick and easy access of all stored items. All this contributes to improved warehouse productivity; simplified inventory management and order fulfilment processes; and lower investment cost

But that’s not all! At Kompress you get all your storage needs efficiently and economically addressed under one roof. Furthermore, our storage solutions are based on international concepts of storage and warehousing, curated by a highly experienced research team, offering world-class designs from our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities. Choose from our extensive range of secure, well planned, space-saving storage solutions.

Visit us at to view our wide range of safe, secure and simultaneously aesthetic storage systems, designed for every need.

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